Look Guys, If You Want Brian Austin Green In 'Batman 3,' Just Say So

After The Dark Knight filled out its ensemble cast with people like Eric Roberts and Anthony Michael Hall, we're sure that Christopher Nolan's office was besieged by headshots from every actor in Hollywood in dire need of a comeback. The latest is former 90210-er Brian Austin Green, who tells MTV Movies that he isn't interested in simply being tenth-billed; no, he's going for the brass ring and nominating himself to play the Riddler in the next film. There's just one catch: if they're going to cast him, they kind of need to let him know now...
Not that he’s thought it so far ahead that he actually knows what he’d want to do with the Riddler, however. “That’s impossible to answer now,” Green said. “That would take years of preparation."
We eagerly await the reel that the erstwhile David Silver will put together to convince Chris Nolan's casting office that he's the man for the job. Though Green may not yet know in which direction he wants to take his Riddler performance, might we suggest that he start from this terrifying, Roger Rabbit-ing base and work outwards? [Photo Credit: AP]