Howard Stern Got Married Today, Maybe

Howard Stern and fiancee/model Beth Ostrosky are supposedly getting married today, presumably at his/their place in the Hamptons. According to "Howard 100 News" reporter Lisa G., they planned a casual, barefoot ceremony on the beach. Only, where are the paparazzi and the helicopters? Where is the army of Post reporters filing dispatches from the Island? Is this all just some misdirection by Page Six chief Richard Johnson in order to snag an invite to the real ceremony in another location? Where are the pictures? And Beth says she planning to run a marathon in the morning. Does that make sense? [P6] Update: Lovable stammerer Ellen Degeneres probably married her smoking-hot fiancee Portia De Rossi today as well, in their gazillion-dollar Beverly Hills Xanadu! Oh, the love!