Jonas Brothers Sealed In Wax For Maximum Freshness

While our comprehensive Dummies' Guide to the Jonas Brothers covered most of what you might need to know about the wholesome sibling trio should you, say, stumble into a chat room affecting the guise of a similarly adorable 14-year-old boy in search of some tweenage cyber-companionship, there are of course more advanced topics in applied Jonasology. Consider the following an appendix to your current course materials: VIII. KNOW YOUR WAX REPLICAS FROM YOUR REAL JONASESWho hasn't fantasized about the payday awaiting the first person to successfully clone the Jonases en masse, then sell the replicated musicians—either separately or as a set—to teenage fans, theirs to cycle through on an endless series of chaste fantasy dates. That technology is at least several years away, however, so we'll just have to settle for their wax likenesses, easy to tell apart from the real thing due to one telltale sign: The statues have the kind of shiny faces you might glimpse on actual teenagers, not the porcelain complexions gracing the world's dreamiest pop star family. [Photo Credit: Jeffrey Snyder/Madame Tussauds Washington D.C.]