Food Network Courts Spew-Ready, Binge-Eating Demo With 'Eat the Clock'

As proven by the longevity of G4's spew opus Hurl! (eight weeks yesterday!), television has finally reached that crucial cultural point where America's taste for swampy gastric drama may yet outstrip its taste for... well, taste. To wit, even the Food Network — our Moms' favorite leisure-time destination — is ready to push its programming to levels of guttural extremity unseen since Iron Chef Sakai wore a necklace of calf intestines to a climactic tasting in 1999:
The Food Network is getting into the competitive eating genre with a new series tentatively titled Eat the Clock.
The show, from Pie Town Prods. (Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels), is described as a cross between an eating competition and The Amazing Race. Two teams of contestants rush to various Los Angeles eateries and gorge themselves in face-stuffing challenges.
The Hollywood Reporter notes also that the pilot will shoot soon, ready for a first-quarter premiere should it get picked up. And while it doesn't necessarily uphold Hurl!'s mandatory ralphing standards, the prospects of a voracious tandem accidentally stumbling into the Newsroom Cafe's C-rated kitchen with a mandate to win or go home seems like a competitive twist we could get behind. Or better yet, a tie-in finding the actual fruit of Rachael Ray's "tasty travels" launched 10 feet across her kitchen in a compelling Food Network first. Our moms would love it.