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Yesterday we brought you the news that Christina Applegate was free and clear of breast cancer, just a month after being diagnosed with an early form of the disease in one of her breasts. Today, during an interview with Good Morning America's Robin Roberts, Applegate revealed that she beat the disease by having both of her breasts removed. Says People:

Explaining her rationale in taking that dramatic step, she said, "I didn't want to go back to the doctors every four months for testing and squishing and everything. I just wanted to kind of be rid of this whole thing for me. This was the choice that I made, and it was a tough one."

Over the next eight months she will undergo reconstructive surgery. "I'm gonna have cute boobs till I'm 90," she quipped, as Roberts pointed out how Applegate's sense of humor has helped the actress endure the ordeal.

Congratulations are in order to Applegate; she had to make a tough decision (informed by her mother's breast cancer experience as well as the discovery that Applegate herself carried the breast cancer gene, BRCA1), and she revealed it with candor and wit. She may not have her breasts, but she's certainly got cojones. [photo credit: AP]