Actresses always think they're so smart after they've read a book or two—usually on spirituality or something. We think the annoyingly sunny Jennifer Love Hewitt must be reading Nora Ephron right now, because she's (unconsciously?) passing off Ephron's wit and wisdom as her own. Check out their lookalike quotes: Hewitt recently told Health magazine, ""I wish I had been nude from the time I was 12 until I was 28...."

"I looked great! I want to tell all young girls to walk around in bikinis all summer-and enjoy it. I want to tell them to never, ever feel bad about anything, because there will be that one day in your 20s when you'll eat a hamburger and actually see the hamburger on the side of your leg."

Nora Ephron's quote, in her book I Feel Bad About My Neck:

"Oh, how I regret not having worn a bikini the entire time I was twenty-six. If anyone young is reading this, go right this minute, put on a bikini, and don't take it off until you're thirty-four."
