· Seriously—one towel, Jack Black? We can't even get one towel to stay securely wrapped around our waist after a shower; do you just wrap it around your head like a turban and prance around the house air-drying? What are we saying. Of course you do. [The Cho Show] · You know, we didn't want to say it—but that All Growed Up feature on TMZ has felt a little phoned in as of late. [Jossip] · You've thrilled to A Very Brady Gangbang, now enjoy a similar blaspheming of your favorite monster family in This Ain't The Munsters XXX. Be sure to browse the gallery. [Munsters XXX] · You've waited long enough: Ladies and gentlemen, Sanjaya's Nationwide commercial debuted today. [Nationwide] · Finally, someone has mapped out The Periodic Table of Awesoments. [Dapperstache]