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The emotional devastation caused by the recession, by careers imploding or nest-eggs disappearing, is often of a magnitude that requires professional help. But supposing you can't afford therapy? Luckily, Time is your substitute shrink this morning, and even better, its advice is quick, simple, and doesn't require sitting/lying in a small room for a hour a week. In a nutshell: You have permission to be sad, because sad people shop more and that's what the economy needs; you have permission to be mad, because angry people take risks and risky behavior is what makes this country great. (Let's perhaps not examine that part too closely.) Finally, you are strictly forbidden from being scared, you coward, because fear fosters inaction and pessimism. Basically, consider Alec Baldwin your role model and the country will be back in its feet before Barack has finished redecorating the Oval Office.