Sarcastro's Iron Curtain Call

Every so often one commenter serves the public body in singularly superb fashion. These comrades deserve recognition individually—a chance to come forward and take a bow. Today we honor commenter Sarcastro, who is consistently side-splittingly funny and an all around good guy, especially this week. Come get your medal, sir!
- In John McCain Has a Zinger For You: "Faced by the realization that his zinger had not zung, the candidate subsequently warded off the interrogators of the press by reciting the names of the Yale Bulldogs' 1893 offensive line."
- In What To Do When You See a Poor Person Beating a Rich Child?: "I would ask the nanny if she wanted to get a drink. Later, as we finished our tryst in a nearby motel, I would say, 'Please do not abuse that child.' And she would go, 'Holy shit, I had better get back to the park. Thank you for a funky time. Call me up whenever you want to grind.'"
- In How To Talk About Fall Television (That You Might Not Be Watching): "The new season of Views From the Hidden Camera in the Shower of the Nubile 20-Year-Old Who Lives in the Apartment Below is expected to rock."
- Again in How To Talk About Fall Television (That You Might Not Be Watching): "I still don't expect any episode of the new season to be as good as Hmm, That Detachable Shower Head Looks Interesting... A modern classic."
- In Park Slope Baby Ban Should Maybe Extend to Sex Shops: "Les enfants unbearble."
- And many, many more.