Yesterday you seemed to think that the fallen TV host resorting to porn could be former Sugar-Ray singer/Extra host Mark McGrath, former Idol host Brian Dunkleman, one-time MTV veejay/porn actor Simon Rex, or, you know, someone British. Today you're left to ponder, after the jump, a cocaine addled young lady and an actor who is afraid of teenage girls.

1) "Which supposedly clean-cut Wag has a white powder habit she can't shake? She's forever nipping into the ladies on nights out for a quick fix." [Mirror]

2) "This B list film and television actor from a famous family and an infamous marriage really doesn't like to be bothered. How much so? Well in a hotel he was staying at, he decided he wanted to work out in the hotel gym, but only if no one was in the gym with him at the same time. See, he can't be around everyday people. So, when he walked in to the gym to work out and saw two teenage girls there, he freaked out. Instead of perhaps asking them when they were going to be done, or if he could have the room to himself, he instead, picked up the phone, called hotel security and had them removed so he could be alone. Nice huh?" [CDaN]