A mere days after winning, in a shocking upset, that prestigious US News award, Harvard University finds itself the center of a terrible controversy! Are the Harvard Campus Police racist? President Drew Gilpin Faust (!) sent out an email to students announcing the creation of a commission to review "complaints that officers have unfairly stopped black students, professors, and other university community members because of their race." Now, I know what you are thinking. Sure, Boston is a hugely white town in which cops are probably a little less savvy about the "racial profiling" than most, but what kind of professor gets mistaken for a sundry hoodlum?? Come on in, I will show you!

This guy! He teaches neuroscience. Harvard cops stopped him in 2004 after mistaking him for a robbery suspect. Nice going! Suffice it to say, there is a lot to say about the subject of race in elite higher education, and a lot has been said, so I'll just exit this post with this message for the Harvard campus police: black people make up a whole eight percent of the Harvard student body. So next time you happen to be scanning campus grounds and find your eye fixing on a potentially suspicious person, about whom you know nothing but who for whatever reason does not look like he of she belongs, ask yourself, "Is the person black?" If so, chances are he is just a harmless student or professor! And carry on.