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· Defamer Decides 2008 followed the DNC travails of Anne Hathaway, Charlize Theron, Steven Spielberg, and poker-playing Ben Affleck. · Jon Cryer, though? Not so much. He'll get back to us about that. · Viggo Mortensen and Kate Winslet were the prom king and queen of early Oscar hype. · Our 90210 anticipation runneth over. And over. And over. · Molls paid a visit to Sunset Junction. So did Kirsten and Justin. · Just so it's clear, Tom Cruise is not on the hook for Valkyrie's injured Nazi extras. · Fitness goddess Jane Fonda saved us from the leotarded specter of Heidi Montag. · To which the bank-bound, White House-minded Heidi naturally replied, "Who's Jane Fonda?" · Steve Coogan and Rainn Wilson dared to voyage to the bottom of the summer box-office. · American Idol added a fourth judge to break those occasional ties that occur when Paula falls asleep. · Nikki Finke said MGM's for sale. Sharon Waxman denied it. It's on! · Righteous Kill was a minimum of five poster tweaks away from us even thinking about watching it. · Webphobe Aaron Sorkin momentously joined Facebook. · Smackenzie Phillips and Andy Dick found dignity behind bars. · And finally, Don Draper's feed followers have almost doubled in the four days since Mad Men TwitterGate. We're just saying.