Plastic surgery addictions are scary, mostly because the situation gets so exponentially worse every time the habit is indulged. So it's distressing to read a blind item today about a "morning show gabber" with a "powerful husband" who is addicted to the nip, tuck, and suck. The first person who comes to mind is Julie Chen, who is married to CBS honcho Les Moonves. Though Chen doesn't exactly seem "porcine" yet. It could also be Diane Sawyer, if you consider director Mike Nichols powerful. Speculate on this and several other blind items after the jump. 1) "Which society type who's taking a walk on the lesbian side should be more careful with her extracurricular activities? She's been taping pornos with her new lover 'for fun.'" [P6] 2) "Which morning show gabber needs to get help for her plastic surgery addiction? Her latest cosmetic procedure has left her looking "perfectly porcine" - a look her powerful husband seems to love." [P6] 3) "Which reality show castoff has been dating a journalist sent out to interview him for a glossy? The pair met over the q-and-a and fell so hard they are apparently moving in together." [NYDN] 4) "Which gold-winning Olympian has been hooking up with all the male members of her team? They call it riding the train." [NYDN] 5) "Which singer has been penning emotional songs about his close female friend... unbeknown to his fiancee? Hmm, doesn't sound like the route to wedded bliss to us." [Mirror] 6) "So what do you do if you are a C list actor from film and television with B+ name list recognition. You have been through several marriages, one of them extremely high profile, and have suffered through battles with drugs and alcohol and are apparently losing them again. Why, you go on sets and badger co-stars, former co-stars and others to buy Amway or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now. Our actor specializes in victimizing people with bit parts who don't want to upset him and possibly get fired so invariably buy things." [CDaN] 7) "Some new information about one of the bigger breakups of the year. It was an A list actor and a wannabe. Apparently the A list actor found out that the wannabe had stopped taking birth control. He found this out when she told him she might be pregnant. Apparently he felt that her purposefully not taking the pill in order to get pregnant violated a rule and showed her the curb." [CDaN] 8) "This A list actor who had some serious health and emotional issues last year, but was allegedly on the straight and narrow either doesn't care or had a huge slip over the weekend. At the same party that brought us two blinds from yesterday, our actor managed to consume almost an entire bottle of vodka all by himself. Sweet and very quiet was how the spy described him." [CDaN]