Giorgio Armani, Prickly Blogger

Didn't expect to see the day when Giorgio Armani would be blogging? Well, that day has arrived: The Italian designer is spending the week blogging for The Moment, the New York Times's fashion blog. And it hasn't taken him any time at all to master the medium. He's already complaining a lot, sharing too much info, and putting other people down, such as Scarpetta chef Scott Conant.
Armani says he arrived in New York on Saturday "exhausted," and then had to put up with a long line at immigration and a broken fingerprint scanner. (Fortunately, an immigration agent recognized his name in his passport and waved him through.) Then, to make matters worse, he realize his driver Jonathan had turned up at the airport in a tiny Audi. "It was a nice car, but I told him to bring a van tomorrow. Please, I need more room." From there it was off to Armani's apartment on Central Park West—his penthouse apartment with wraparound terrace—which he adores because it makes him "feel like a real New Yorker." (At least New Yorkers who, like him, are worth $5 billion.)
Unfortunately, things quickly headed downhill when he made his way to "an Italian restaurant called Scarpetta" for dinner. "I liked the décor and the food was pretty good, but you know the service was a bit slow. I ate spaghetti con pomodoro and basilico—and, here, I must interject something for your benefit. Americans overcook their pasta. Always. And there's too much sauce. Too much of everything! Please, try to control yourselves." Guess it's your turn, Scott!