Lindsay Lohan On Palin Pregnancy: "Its distracting from the real issues"

Of all the pundits' and politicos' stated opinions on Sarah Palin, John McCain's spectacularly curious choice for running mate, this is perhaps the most stirring and urgent. Once celebrated, now mourned actress Lindsay Lohan—she of the former cocaine problems and current lesbianism—has posted yet another blog post on her MySpace page, this one exploring the nuances of political life versus private life. Hands off little Bristol Palin's baby issues, she implores:
I've been watching the news all morning, like everyone else - and i keep hearing about the issues related to 'teen pregnancy'- It's all related to Sarah Palin and her 17 year old unmarried pregnant daughter. Well, I think the real problem comes from the fact that we are taking the focus off of getting to know Sarah Palin and her political views, and what she can do to make our country a less destructive place. Its distracting from the real issues, the real everyday problems that this country experiences. I am concerned with the fact that Sarah Palin brought the attention to her daughter's pregnancy, rather than all world issues and what she believes she could possibly do to change them-if elected. I get Sarah Palin's views against abortion, but i would much prefer to hear more about what she can do for our country rather than how her daughter is going to have a child no matter what.
She continues on in vague, rambling fashion, making some kind of argument about parents teaching kids about sex and proficiently spelling not only Joe Biden's name, but also Barack Obama's correctly. Whichever assistant she had type this up sure did study social studies in sixth grade! And the commenters (surely the most important voices of approval on this internet) are supportive:
WOW! Brilliant. And thank you for sharing some wonderful insights You never cease to amaze... Standing Ovation Mz. Lohan! :) Keep the wisdom coming.