Who are the coolest kids in town that haven't been written about ad nauseum yet? The latest collection of bright young things in the creative/social scene are relatively fun—though there's still time for them to become just as annoying as their elders. Here's who you'll be seeing in Page Six in the next few years—and on New York Social Diary in about forty. An ambitious, in-the-know tipster helped compile a list of this year's upper class.

THE Flâneurs:

Liam McMullan: The 19-year old son of the 80s most infamous air-kissing, matchmaking, Hilton-pose-perfecting photographer Patrick McMullan, Liam is not only easy on the eyes but shockingly sweet. We hear he has a screenplay in the works, but before rolling any eyes, note his rumored inspiration for one scene: that fateful February evening when Julia Allison and Hud Morgan fought over the title of teenage soap star Leven Rambin's Fakest Friend With Biggest Blow Job Fetish.

Paul Johnson Calderone: Having perfected the art of wearing ass-tight denim shorts and bowler caps without shame, the Papermag.com blogger (recently promoted to Market Editor) and Peter Davis arm candy is the closest thing New York has to Michael Alig these days (minus all the glitter and tendency to murder rival queens mid-meth rage.)

Sean Glass: This Manhattan-born, Dalton-educated filmmaker is slowly-but-finally making his mark with short films starring friends like Liam and Byrdie Bell at underground film festivals—after impatiently-but-determinedly wading through Emerson's film school program. A reputable ladies' man.

James Cruickshank: Known by some as "J.C.", "that Hamptons kid whose proctologist dad threw him some cash to live out his childhood dream of presiding over a skateboard company," and, of course, "Annabelle Dexter-Jones' boyfriend," James and his childhood crew are responsible for LOLA, the high-end t-shirt line named after their beloved childhood skate park in the Hamptons. The then-12-year old posse's public protest against Southampton's rent-a-cop division's decision to shut it down was quasi-legendary and successful. (Back in 1995, when pot clouds prompted Hamptstein cops to close the tween version of the hidden-from-sight hilltop version of Beatrice hangout, James and his droogs held a town-wide petition against the Mayor, complete with a mini-parade.)

Michael Martin: Rare handsome straight young rich under-the-radar charmer, head of the National Arts Club's Junior Committee. Single, freelance art writer (New York magazine, for example)

Kelley Hoffman: After internships with Vogue and New York mag, the SoCal native and Smith graduate recently left her job in Vogue's Creative Services dept. to break out on her own as a rapidly successful style writer for refinery29.com—and is known as the cutest dancer at Beatrice. Instead of using the dusty "high/low" aesthetic, she prefers "low/low," perfecting her look as a snow-blonde, thick-banged Chloe Sevigny lookalike with better boobs and a penchants for vintage Betty Page one-piece swimsuits worn as tops underneath American Apparel mini-skirts.

Molly Friedman: Comeback kid. After following in many a magazine editor's footsteps by putting a couple of perfumes on eBay, the daughter of novelist and screenwriter Bruce Jay Friedman has finally moved on after her 2006 banishment from Conde Nast. After toiling away for our own sister site Defamer.com, Friedman is currently finishing a novel said to be Alice in Wonderland meets Vile Bodies.

Lizzy Fraser: The ghost of Edie Sedgwick reincarnate: model, Columbia undergrad, Warholophile and photographer favoring self-portraits of herself surrounded by a minimum of four mirrors in varying sizes and shapes. See lizfraseronline.com.

Harley Viera Newton: See here.

Annabelle Dexter-Jones: The one Dexter-Jones-Ronson kid to avoid controversy, this girlfriend of James Cruickshank shies away from anything "coke den"-related. She's moved on from modeling for half-sister Charlotte Ronson and Teen Vogue to simply smiling her way through after-hours Manhattan.

Summer Rej: Born and raised on Park and 68th, the Calhoun- and Cornell-educated blonde who began toiling for Vogue's business side days after graduation recently hosted a garden party to launch her own jewelry line 3 Blondes. The event, its guests, and the line itself merited coverage on parkavepeerage.com, and garnered three times as many comments from notoriously vicious Park Avenue Peerage readers than otherwise innocuous and repetitious posts on former social stars like Amanda Hearst and Olivia Palermo.

Pamela Love (right): See here.
DJ Nick Cohen: UES rich kid turned famous DJ and sneaker brand entrepreneur

Joey Goodwin (right): Palm Beach- and UES-raised, Goodwin is the actual designer behind Unruly Heir, despite Kristian Lalliberte's offensive decision to portray himself as the face of the brand. Rumor is that Goodwin is planning on firing Lalliberte ASAP.
See also: Rebecca Schiffman THE NEW ARISTOCRACY:

Rory Guinness: Yes, the long-haired front man for iLash is a bonafide heir to the Irish beer empire, but rumor has it that he refuses the monthly trust fund deposit entrusted to him (and sister/Vanity Fair scribe Rebecca Guinness) choosing instead to take the bohemian, starving-artist approach when it comes to reputation.

Marissa Bregman: daughter of Scarface producer Marty Bregman.

James "Carlton" DeWoody III: Son of Rudin Management heiress/Upper East Side art collector Beth Rudin and artist Jim DeWoody, Carlton fools most partygoers into thinking he's a poor man's Dash Snow with his oddly-shaped glasses and skinny white jeans. But the underground artist and designer of both The Big Empty's album cover and Vornado's logo is a closeted hottie who inspired a group of 50 media-centric partygoers to chant "OBAMA!" on a Chelsea rooftop this past April, despite wearing a fur-lined hat and shearling winter jacket.

Mickey Sumner: When you're the daughter of Trudie Styler and Sting, blonde, Fieldston-educated, and grew up in a Central Park West apartment (complete with one room occupied only by Sting's vintage guitar collection), the natural progression to actress/model is tempting. But after a half-hearted attempt to join the Richards sisters and Liv Tyler among rock royalty's laundry list of quasi-talented pretty young things, Sumner quickly chose art over artifice—drawing, photographing, and paintings. She also stars in her friends' short films; see Michaelimagirl.com.
See also: Tess Brokaw