Yesterday we speculated about a plastic surgery-addicted morning show host with a powerful husband, but most of you steered clear of guessing on that item. Has this powerful husband threatened you in any way? We still think it might be Julie Chen, but again, she doesn't exactly look "porcine" to us. Ah well. Today we have a hip-hop mogul who secretly records his sexual liaisons, a restaurateur cum rich guy-pretty lady yenta, and an abusive gay guy. 1) "Which hip-hop mogul had a hidden video camera installed in a light fixture in his bedroom? He likes to record his sessions with unsuspecting ladies for future replays." [P6] 2) "Which high-profile restaurateur has been introducing top models and ex-beauty queens to billionaire playboys? The wealthy bachelors will get a chance to express their gratitude when the restaurateur asks them to invest in his business." [P6] 3) "Which closeted actor who once dated an actress 'beat the hell out of her,' according to her friend?" [P6] 4) "Which celeb pair snuck off to the toilets during the GQ awards do for a cheeky shag?" [Mirror] 5) [Ed. note: Just give this one a shot, I guess...] "It has been about six months give or a take a month or two that I had a blind which talked about a marriage that had ended almost as soon as it began. It involved a female lead from a hit network drama. So, I'm sure one of you mater sleuths will find the item. Anyway, I always was under the impression that they broke up because he is a loser, and she finally caught on to that fact. Well, he is a loser, but what he managed to do in the very short time they were together is burn through almost every dollar she has earned for the last three years and her earnings for the foreseeable future. Turns out that besides his horrendous business sense, that he is also a huge gambler and was signing marker after marker in Vegas based solely on his wife's income. Our actress has so little money right now that the only way she can afford to drive a car is because the dealer is giving her one for free for promotional purposes and her agent bought her another." [CDaN]