We implored for stories of real engineers in Silicon Valley — the ones that messes with diodes, PCBs, chips, nuts and bolts. But what we got is a heart-warming rant by roybar, today's featured commenter, about what's wrong with the Valley in the first place:

not really. we're americans. we don't give a shit about that part of technology.

i mean look at advertising and how disproportionate ratio between intelligence and earnings. Sergey whines how we need to solve world problems by focusing on these new technologies (solar power, alternative energy, etc), however he creates a web browser so he knows more about consumer insight and makes more money off of advertising.

We're Americans and we put our mouth where our money is. Sure you can grow big balls and go make IC's, but look at Transmeta. Digg, eBay, Firefox, etc all really changed the world more than the whiners making chips. Sure they're smart, but who cares?