Elementary School Cancels Their Subscription to US Weekly

We just received a sternly-worded missive from the Orange Center Elementary School in Fresno, asking us to cancel their subscription to US Weekly. Presumably this is part of the wave of cancellations related to their totally controversial Sarah Palin coverage. This raises so many questions: what exactly is an elementary school doing with a subscription to US Weekly? And why did they e-mail us to cancel it?From: Wayne Werning [redacted] Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 4:03 PM Subject: subscription To: ——@gawker.com Hello, Please advise how our school can cancel its subscription to US MAGAZINE so that we do not receive any more copies. Your publication has become offensive. Thanking you in advance, Orange Center Elementary School 3530 S. Cherry Ave. Fresno, Ca 93706