Proving that these Blind Item Roundups need not always deal with frivolous Hollywood antics, today we have a juicy (and important) item about a politician. Yes, politics! I mean, it's about how said politician uses his status to sleep with actresses, but still. And, you know, we also have stories about a drunk musician, a benevolent comedian, and a closeted lesbian. So, enjoy. 1) "Which A-lister got so trashed prior to Fashion Rocks, she could barely walk in a straight line down the red carpet and had to be eased into her seat? Organisers also located an emergency sick bag in case she vomited." [< a href="">Mirror] 2) "To show that not all men behave badly, I thought I would share this little kindness about a B- list comic film actor with a franchise which you would think would make him A list under the rules, but, then you would all laugh. So, anyway, our actor when he goes to dinner parties at restaurants or even at the houses of friends, has all the doggie bags given to him, and passes them all out to homeless people he sees on the way home. In addition to that, he will also raid the dinner parties for extra food and bring it to homeless shelters to serve." [CDaN] 3) "This national political candidate and current politician isn't shy about using his new power to get what he wants, and what he wants are some actresses to be his special contributor. Whenever he speaks at a fundraiser, he takes the opportunity to hit on as many actresses as he can. So far, only one has taken him up on his offer. After a recent cocktail event, he left, and she followed about an hour later. Who is she? Wow. C+ list films, but with some A list name recognition due to her body. Not the sharpest tool in the shed because she really is doing it because she thinks it is a good way to support the candidate" [CDaN] 4) "This closet lesbian B+ list lead actress on a hit network drama almost let the cat out of the bag so to speak. She had a little too much to drink and was finding the woman she was talking to attractive. She thought the other woman also played for the same team and so started flirting fairly aggressively. The woman however was straight, and also was rather loud about her shock in discovering our actress was a lesbian to the point where people noticed." [CDaN]