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The Financial Times's has published an article on T-Mobile's soon-to-be-released Googlephone. It paints an accurate picture, if not a pretty one: "When the first of Google’s long-anticipated Android mobile phones hit the stores in a matter of weeks, they will land with a fizzle rather than a bang." We can just imagine the lunchtime whispers at the Googleplex about it. Readymade for lunchtime consumption, here are the paranoid programmers' talking points on the anti-Google media conspiracy:

  • The article says, "T-Mobile did not return calls for comment." You know what that means. When a company won't talk, reporters craft a hitpiece.
  • Says who? Vague unquoted anonymous sources include "Internet developers and mobile industry executives" and just three named ones — an analyst, music site Pandora's CTO, and an executive at T-Mobile rival Hutchison Whampoa.

These two facets of the story will give Googlers plenty of reason to dismiss the story. The notion that Googler groupthink won't allow them to process: That the article's right in all its particulars, anonymous sources or no. Oh, and have you ever heard a Googler complain when one of their executives is quoted spouting company talking points anonymously to the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal?