Yesterday we wrote about a wicked politician who uses his political power to try and bed actresses. Many of you ruled out Obama, saying he could do better than the "just one" that the item mentioned. So you moved on to other Dems, specifically Joe Biden and Bill Richardson. I still think it's Dukakis. Anyhooo, today we have a horny, dressing room-sex-having celebrity, a movie star who gambles away millions, and a "famous twin" who's faking a pregnancy. 1) "Which randy celeb turfed his publicists out of his dressing room - as they were eating their lunch - so he could have sex with a girl he'd picked up?" [Mirror] 2) "This one is from the accountant. Turns out, this A list movie star is bad at something else besides fixing his hair. Last year, he managed to lose almost $7 million playing poker. No wonder he wants to make another installment of his franchise." [CDaN] 3) "This famous twin is doing whatever she can to start pregnancy speculation just to get some positive publicity. She's gone so far as to make sure that others know she can't drink or smoke, especially in public, and taking to wear even more hideous and baggy clothing than usual." [