There is some shadow sect of people—pasty-faced, red-rimmed eyes, yellow teeth, the stench of cheese product on their breath—who must, simply must!, watch television on tiny picture phones. And the like. This undiscovered continent's worth of Americans have clamored so loudly for these techmologies that NBC and iTunes, after a year-long feud, have struck up a partnership anew. Episodes of your favorite shows like Chuck and Gemini Division will once again be available for download on the Apple music and media "store," for a buck ninety nine. HD shows for $2.99. What this means for web service Hulu, which streams some NBC shows for free, is unclear. Though I guess they could maybe exist together, as the dark Underspecies of people furtively watching Heroes on their iPods, while they rumble on a bus bound for Rochester, are not necessarily the same shut-ins who watch old episodes of New Amsterdam on their computers, holed up in their darkened spare rooms. And I guess that's really what America is all about. Diversity. [Variety]