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Washing and braiding and overstyling that man right out of her hair, cover girl Anne Hathaway offered W Magazine her most candid interview yet about the travails of her relationship with Rafaello Follieiri. But for all the catalogged heartbreak and homelessness anecdotes and advice gleaned here from her de facto Italian publicist Steve Carell, we're taken even more aback by Hathaway's stirring candor about rebounding on the job — when she's not chewing off her director's head:

"Right now I don’t have the wherewithal to be anything except professional. As soon as I found out about the arrest, I had to get on a plane to Mexico to do a press tour for Get Smart. And then I spent a week in shock at a friend’s house. And then I had to go back and do more press, and I haven’t stopped since. [...] Right now I have the distinct feeling that I’m two ages again, and the older part of me that I relied on many times in the past in difficult moments, that’s the part that got me here today. That’s the part that says, ‘You do your job, you keep your head up.’” ... “One day on Rachel Getting Married, Jonathan [Demme, the director] altered something in the script, and I said, ‘Jonathan! Why did you change this?! It was better the other way and here’s A, B, C, D, E, F, G why!’ And he smiled at me and said, ‘Hey, Annie? Maybe instead of telling me why I’m wrong, you could ask me why I made the choice I made.’ I instantly felt so ashamed. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful to people, but that’s exactly what I had done for years.”

Awww! We feel so... proud, sort of. Next up: the book tour, if and/or when the FBI ever returns her notes.