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With his director newly flush after offloading Che during the Toronto Film Festival, did Benicio Del Toro defer to Steven Soderbergh's tipping largesse during a shared men's room visit? Is that the single stupidest question we've ever posed? Either way, there's more, reports the National Post:

"Give this man some money," Benicio Del Toro was saying in his deep, private voice, flicking his face towards the nifty washroom attendant. He'd just done a perfunctory pocket-check, and come up empty.

"Money?" asked the director, the very one who dissembled so well on the subject in those Ocean's flicks, and who has a PhD of sorts in heists. Soderbergh dug into his pockets. Del Toro stood still, and let his lustrous mane do the talking. The washroom attendant smiled eagerly, but not too eagerly. "It'll be big," the director was saying, still scraping through his pants. "I just went to the ATM."

"I just went to the ATM?" Really, Steven? That's not the way we would have expected him to characterize that Liberace film he just signed on for, but hey. Work's work.