What It Costs to Live Like Bernie

Bernie Madoff's lawyers filed documents in court today detailing all of his assets and monthly expenses. (They were submitted as part of an appeal to release him from prison prior to his sentencing in June; good luck with that.) The documents indicate Madoff had assets worth $823 million as of the end of last year, although $700 million of that consists of his stake in Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, and his company may be worth a tad less than that given what's transpired the past few months. (If, however, you're interested in paying that kind of money for the prestigious firm that bears the Madoff name, Lazard Frères would be positively delighted to hear from you.) As for his expenses, Madoff says that it costs him $326,757.85 a month to maintain his various homes, boats, and household employees. So where does all that money go exactly? You can go here to see every line item. Or click on the photo above for a few totally random details pulled from the court documents. [NYT]