From yesterday: Your vote for the English coke fiend was none other than Queen Elizabeth! And who got a blowjob backstage at Fashion Week in exchange for drugs? Y'all were mostly unsure, but one person suggested Mr. John Mayer. Today we have a star who loves threesomes and has an "ample tackle," and a singer/actress who is secretly in rehab. 1) "Which star likes to indulge in threesomes with women he has just met? The cheeky fella in question chats them up by bragging about his ample tackle." [Mirror] 2) "One of the more noticeable absences from Fashion Week is this former B list pop singer and now sometimes actress who used to be a mainstay at fashion shows around the world. Seems she has been missing, not because of money issues, but because she has been spending time in rehab. Yes, someone you never thought would be in rehab." [CDaN]