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No one would ever underestimate the myriad stresses and strains of working in fashion: Not only are you carrying the awesome responsibility of making pretty clothes, you also have no choice but to be impeccably groomed at all times. But those glossy women who labor so indefatigably on all of our behalfs have a further cross to bear, one they've been stoically silent about—until now! As W reports, the likes of Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss, Julia Restoin Roitfeld, and Charlotte Ronson all deal with the absolute minefield of what to wear on the weekends, when they may need to take a well-earned rest from getting decked out in high-end labels, but must do so without disgracing themselves and their noble yet viciously judgmental industry.

Shoshanna, inspiringly, has her off-duty look down to a fine art consisting of Tracy Feith dresses in the Hamptons and Anlo jeans in the city: "I think because we work in fashion, you have to look your best and you have to represent, like I have to represent the line. So for me it's such a great break to not have to wear heels and makeup and blow out my hair." And who would begrudge her a break when she's kicking back at her $10 million townhouse after an exhausting week of designing bikinis and attending parties?

Julia, meanwhile, fulfills her legally ratified obligation to her motherland and reminds us that French women never relinquish the chic: "French people don't really 'underdress' on the weekends." Perish the thought! Not that she cares what you think anyway: "Your look is very important in this industry, but dressing up is for my own pleasure, during the week or on weekends." Mais oui!

The last word goes to Charlotte, whose weekend look is "artfully disheveled," and whose admirably defiant stance on the subject should serve as example to her overly-groomed peers: "If someone's going to judge me, please, that would be kind of fun. I'd love to hear why." And you thought her twin Samantha was the scary one!

Weekend Warriors [W]