'90210': Doherty To Reveal Babydaddy, Then Depart

Why, it seems like just the other day that 90210 had us asking, "Who's the father of Kelly Taylor's towheaded love child?" It was a question we didn't expect to be solved until producers had milked every drop from the guessing game — either that, or until they could finally lure back Jason Priestly for a hirsute, highly-paid cameo. However, according to People, the 90210 team plans to unveil the child's paternity even without a guest spot locked up, and they're planning to do it soon — real soon:
The father of Kelly’s 4-year-old son Sammy will finally be revealed on Tuesday’s episode of 90210, PEOPLE has learned. And Brenda will be the one spilling the beans! Brenda (Shannen Doherty) and Kelly (Jennie Garth) will be having a serious conversation about Sammy’s dad when Brenda reveals his name. In another twist, the show’s executive producer Gabe Sachs told PEOPLE that there’s a “possibility” the baby’s father could appear on a future episode.
Sadly, Doherty will skedaddle soon after delivering the news: she's turned down offered from producers to extend her four-episode stay, though Garth has reportedly signed on for more. No word yet, though, on whether Priestly, Luke Perry, or Ian Ziering have been reapproached to sign on for a babydaddy arc. If they're not available, may we suggest Lucille Bluth as the mystery parent? Sure, it makes no logical sense, but dammit, Jessica Walter needs some more martini-swilling screen time. BluthWatch '08! [Photo Credit: Michael Diamond/Desmond/The CW]