On The Downtown Set Of "Gossip Girl"

If you're reading this right now, they you probably weren't out all of last night partying it up on the Lower East Side ... with the "Gossip Girl" cast!!@#!1!!! Can you believe it? Hollywood stars right here in our little town! OMFG, indeed. Photos, stalker stories, and catering truck reviews should be sent here, so that this editor can finally figure out what this show actually is. We do have a couple of mini-reports so far and you'll never guess who Chase is kissing now! (He's the gay one right?) Spoiler alert?

That's actors Chase Crawford and Taylor Momsen down on Ludlow St.! What a cute couple! Or ... he is so wrong for her! Help us out—what's the correct answer here? [Photo via JustJared; more @ fan-sites.org + bsideblog.com]