Bristol Palin, Wrecker of Homes for Those Who Still Live at Home

Paradigm of truth and accuracy in Britain and abroad, the News of the World, is reporting that Levi Johnston, the intended and future ex-husband of Bristol Palin had been seeing a friend of Palin's, Lanesia Garcia, for three years when Bristol swept in. She's a relationship maverick. Says Lanesia: "I didn't believe it, I never dreamt she was capable of doing that to me. But when I called her she just said, 'I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it. Levi and I are together now and I think he's the man for me.' I put the phone down and have not talked to her since. I was distraught for a year - I missed Bristol desperately but also Sarah, who was like a second mom to me. Neither of them have tried to contact me, though-which says something about how ruthless they can be. The phrase Sarah used comparing herself to a lipstick-wearing pitbull is spot on." [via Perez Hilton]