Shoshanna: No Mentions of Jerry, Please

If you bump into Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss—or you're a reporter and you happen to be interviewing her for some reason—she'd very much appreciate it if you didn't bring up the name of a certain comedian whom she was involved with more than a decade ago. At least that was the request passed along to a writer from Louisville's Courier-Journal, who had a few questions prepared for the socialite-designer when she touched down in Louisville last week for a trunk show at the (very posh-sounding) Blink Boutique. "No problem," the reporter replies; the subject "wasn't even on my radar screen." Of course, she mentions the snub in the first paragraph and refers to her as "Seinfeld's Ex" in the subhead of the article, so we'll take that as an indication Shoshanna's request was denied.