Barack Obama Graciously Turns Down Lindsay Lohan's Offer of Support

Actress Lindsay Lohan, so politically outspoken these days, recently lobbied some criticism, once again on her MySpace page, against Sarah Palin—the Alaskan warrior poet who, just in the nick of time, stopped a confused John McCain from wandering into a cave full of bears and was named his Vice Presidential running mate as thanks. She said that Palin hates gays ("media-obsessed homophobe!") and that that is bad. And now she wants to join the cause and drum up support for Barack Obama! Trouble is, Obama doesn't really want her help. The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Apparently, LiLo was interested in becoming very involved in the Democratic ticket's bid for the White House — even offering to host a series of events appealing to younger voters. However, a top source in the Barack Obama team tells me the actress ''is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us.'' Given Lohan's past problems, plus ongoing brushes with controversy, I've learned the campaign quietly told the actress ''thanks, but no thanks,'' but in far more diplomatic terms. Lohan has been invited to attend several of the big Hollywood bashes this week — and also pay big bucks for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with the likes of Barbra Streisand, Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and other high-profile Hollywood boosters of the Obama campaign.
Oh, well that's nice. But c'mon, Barry. Cut her some slack. After all, Palin has a whole town's worth of drugged-out supporters. [via Superficialist]