New In Style Editor: Ariel Foxman

Ariel Foxman is the new editor of Time Inc's In Style. Foxman spent five years at the magazine previously, leaving in 2003 to edit the men's shopping magazine Cargo. Is a gay male fashion expert a strange choice to lead a magazine with a heavily female readership? "While he may not be a buyer of Manolo Blahniks, he is a keen observer of fashion and popular culture," writes Time Inc. editorial boss John Huey, by way of explanation. Okay! Read Huey's full memo introducing the stylistic Foxman to the staff, after the jump.
To: Time Inc. Employees From: John Huey Re: Staff Announcement On the recommendation of Martha Nelson, I am pleased to announce that Charla Lawhon has been named Editor of the In Style Group. Ariel Foxman will succeed Charla as Managing Editor of In Style. Charla joined In Style in its test phase when it was known simply as "Project X." Since she became Managing Editor in 2002, she has overseen a period of great expansion for the In Style brand. The core magazine continues to be a powerhouse. This year, In Style is up on the newsstand, an impressive achievement in an environment when every competitor is down. Charla and her team recently completed a comprehensive redesign, which has been well received by both readers and advertisers. The international portfolio has grown to 14 editions, including new launches in 2008 in China, Poland and Romania. In Style specials (Weddings, Makeover) have increased in frequency to six issues a year. Charla has also guided the development of which, in the first half of 2008, averaged 1.1 mm unique visitors per month, an increase of 69 percent year over year. Ariel Foxman first joined In Style in 1999 and worked at the magazine until 2003, when he left the building to become the launch editor of Cargo. Since his return to Time Inc as an Editor at Large, in 2006, Ariel has concentrated on In Style and contributed to both the core magazine and the website. While he may not be a buyer of Manolo Blahniks, he is a keen observer of fashion and popular culture, a talented editor who is deeply familiar with In Style and its readers. Given the size of the In Style business, the demands for growth and the complexity of the brand, this new arrangement makes sense. Although this structure is new to In Style, it is familiar at Time Inc., and has worked effectively at the People Group. I have every confidence that it will fuel new growth at In Style as well. I know you'll join me in wishing Charla and Ariel the very best in their new positions. J.H.