Is John Cleese Marrying That Radar Blonde?

When reports first surfaced that British comedian John Cleese was canoodling in Europe with 30-plus-years-younger Veronica Smiley, the couple emphasized they were just close friends getting to know one another. But now it looks like Smiley, a marketing exec at Radar's parent company, is on track to become the fourth Mrs. Cleese, assuming living gossip museum Cindy Adams has stumbled upon some actual news:
JOHN Cleese, approaching 70, seems also to be approaching a fourth wife. Currently in an unpretty divorce with No. 3, his newie is a marketer, 35, blond, and they met in New York, and she lives in the US, and he lives in the UK, and it's a big commute for the twain to meet
Meh, the marriage sounds a bit hypothetical. But at least there's reason to believe the couple are still together!
(Photo via Daily Mail)