It's one thing for Graydon Carter to deem you worthy of, say, a 7 pm reservation at his 70-seat Waverly Inn. But if you really want an emblem of the Vanity Fair editor's approval, try getting your child admitted to the 45-child freshman class of Carter's other exclusive West Village institution, the forthcoming Greenwich Village High. The school is the brainchild of Carter deputy editor Aimee Bell, as first reported in the Observer, and her neighbor Sara Goodman. But according to the Times it's becoming something so much posher than all that!

Their efforts soon drew the backing of prominent educators and downtown residents: Bob Kerrey, the president of the New School, and his wife, Sara Paley, a television and film writer; the actor and writer John Leguizamo; Richard Robinson, the president and chief executive of Scholastic; Jonathan Mintz, the city's consumer affairs commissioner; and Ms. Bell's boss, Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair and an owner of the celebrity hangout the Waverly Inn.

All the hottest educational trends are represented — think of "hands-on learning and community involvement" as Greenwich High's truffled macaroni and cheese. There will even be excursions to Chinatown to learn about the poors.

If you time things right, your precious young creation may be able to matriculate from Greenwich High (and it's award-winning student newspaper!) to Carter's exclusive (and surely forthcoming) little West Village university. Once there he'll earn pocket change as a Waverly bus boy, which he will blow at Carter's Monkey Bar, where he'll schmooze his way into a Vanity Fair internship and then staff position that should see him nicely through the rest of his days.
