• Wacky old Giorgio Armani is going back on his promise to PETA not to use fur in his designs. [P6]
  • Meanwhile, Jennifer Aniston was seen coming out of a fur shop. [Faded Youth]
  • Oil heir Brandon Davis hasn't actually inherited anything yet, so he's scamming all the other heirs and rich people for money, and that's apparently not cool. One of them is going to call the American Express fraud department if complaining to Page Six doesn't produce immediate results. Smart plan. [P6]
  • Heather Mills is actually suing someone who called her a "witch" on the grounds that she's not actually a witch. Apparently in England witch accusations are still taken very seriously. [P6]
  • Perez Hilton will be photographed with his hair on fire surrounded by naked people. [P6]
  • Supposedly, Crispin Glover disowned a friend for sleeping with Gene Simmons in that sex tape. [Showbiz Spy]