Say what you will about dating columnist Julia Allison (I certainly have!), but she's basically the biggest Sex and the City fan ever. That's why even she was surprised to find a thin crowd at the extravagantly wrought DVD release party at the New York Public Library last night. "Okay, let's say that they just wanted it to be a big rope line," she told us. "Fine. Then why fly in roses from Colombia? Why have insane security when I didn't see a single boldface name—I'm not talking celebs, I'm just talking society people—or even press?" All very good questions—and what does this mean for the just-confirmed sequel?The crowd at 10:30 p.m., via Nonsociety.

There's no satisfying way to explain the party, other than a PR clusterfuck/fuckup. However, maybe people are getting a little tired of the franchise after a six-year TV run, one of the most-hyped movies of the year, and a cultural reach that, on some days, seems to have infected the entire city with luxury brand names and bus tours. What does this say about the sequel? We're guessing nothing good. Sometimes you just have to get the shotgun and take the old mare out behind the barn.