ConnectU cofounders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss lost control of ConnectU, their also-ran social network, in the settlement of a lawsuit with Facebook CEO mark Zuckerberg. And they finished last in their Olympic rowing final. But they just got some good news! A short film the pair executive-produced (read: paid for) has won a slot at the New York City Shorts Festival. First Bass, a treacly story directed by fellow Harvard grad Phil Hodges, features a young bassist who ditches rehearsal to run off to a Chicago Cubs game. It looks like a typical "calling-card film," the kind of flicks Hollywood wannabes produce to get a foot in the door to the entertainment industry. The five- to six-figure budgets are usually funded by wealthy family and friends. The best part is this little tidbit from Tyler's bio:

Played: A twin eunich [sic] with his brother in his high school play, "ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM."

Maybe the Waspy wantrepreneurs can use some of that money from the Facebook settlement to get started as producers in Hollywood. Tip next time they get pitched by a buddy from Harvard to fund his vanity short: It will be about as likely to make any money as it will be for Zuckerberg to publicly admit that he totally ripped you two off.