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It's not often in life that you have to share a cordial dinner with someone who just a few months before publicly called for your job. But that's what Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang gets to do tonight. Back in June, corporate raider Carl Icahn said that if he were to be given control over Yahoo, he would "hire a talented and experienced CEO (attempting to replicate Google's success with Eric Schmidt) to replace Jerry Yang and return Jerry to his role as Chief Yahoo." Icahn never gained control of Yahoo, of course, but he did win three seats on an expanded board — one that will meet for the first time this week. The group will meet twice this week, sources told the Wall Street Journal. First for dinner tonight and then for a meeting tomorrow. Other than an update on the on-again-off-again merger negotians between Yahoo and Time Warner, sources won't say what the board will talk about tonight or tomorrow. We already know, however, how Yang's body language will look if things get hostile.