Andrew Sullivan, wow. Just wow. The gay British conservative who over the course of a decade went from proud publisher of racist pseudo-science just for a larf to virulent Obama supporter has spent a month obsessing over everything Sarah Palin has ever said and done and even maybe done. So. He's written some stuff on the bizarre circumstances of the birth of Trig Palin. He defends it (reasonably in our estimation) by arguing that Palin's pro-life position and the politicization of her familial circumstances (special needs kids, son in Iraq, family on stage at convention) makes inquiry into her pregnancy relevant. Sullivan sent this crazy email to the McCain campaign, asking for comment:

"I'm very sorry to say, it's come to this: can you confirm on the record that Trig Palin is Sarah Palin's biological son? . . . Since this is a crazy idea, it should be easy for you or someone to let me know, the most popular one-man political blog site in the world, what the truth is."

HAH. The most popular one-man political blog site in the world wants the truth, Senator! The McCain campaign did not answer his question. Instead, they forwarded the emails to Washington Post media "critic" or whatever Howard Kurtz! They knew he'd come down hard on Sullivan for such impudence. Or at least they knew he'd print the emails and ask Sullivan for a comment and let them have a comment and then not come to any conclusions about anything, because he's Howard Kurtz. If we know anything about spotting liars—and we've watched a lot of Columbo—we know now conclusively that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig, because they didn't deny or confirm anything and instead attacked the questioner. Kurtz: "Sullivan, one of the earliest bloggers, has been on a tear about Palin lately, calling her 'a compulsive, repetitive, demonstrable liar.'" Then of course instead of listing a single example of one of those lies and saying whether or not it counts as a lie Kurtz moves on entirely to documenting a "veiled debate" between Sullivan and Ross Douthat. Howard Kurtz, everyone! (This is why we're never invited on his show.) Baby Talk [WP]