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Good news for those of you who have friends visiting from out of town who also happen to be obsessed with Gossip Girl. On Location Tours, the company responsible for taking tourists from Des Moines to see Carrie Bradshaw's apartment from Sex and the City and the stomping grounds of the cast of The Sopranos, is now accepting reservations for its Gossip Girls tour.

The company promises to let people "experience a day in the life of Manhattan's elite"—assuming that's possible to do sitting in a multi-colored tour bus with tinted windows. The $40-per-person tour also includeds a stop at the Palace Hotel, a chance to "go past" the restaurant "where Dan and Serena have their second date," and a chance to "shop at Henri Bendel." (Yes, the company is charging out-of-towners to go shopping.) Best of all, the tour will keep your guests occupied for 3.5 hours, which may be a good reason to just buy the tickets yourself and give them to your friends as gifts as soon as they turn up at your door.

Gossip Girls Tour [via NewYorkology]