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These are busy times for bankruptcy attorneys (they're also quite profitable times too), and stress levels are on the rise, according to psychologists. Presumably that will be Madlyn Primoff's defense when she answers to charges she abandoned her kids on the side of the road after she couldn't get them to stop fighting in the backseat. Primoff, who lives in Scarsdale and is a partner at Kaye Scholer, ditched her 10- and 12-year-old daughters in downtown White Plains on Sunday.

The 12-year-old managed to catch up with the car and was allowed back inside, according to the police report. The other kid? She wasn't so lucky, but a Good Samaritan took the girl to a local police station. Primoff has since been charged with endangering a child and has been barring her from seeing her kids.

Sadly, the advice many psychologists have for dealing with work-related stress—make sure you step away from work occasionally to spend quality time with your kids—probably won't work for Primoff in this case, but hopefully she finds a way to cope somehow.

Police say mom ordered daughters out, drove off [AP]
Madlyn Gleich Primoff [Kaye Scholer]