(UPDATE! Shenae Grimes's rep Holly Shakoor claims the blog entry attributed to her client below was written by an impostor. God, Adrianna, is there no end to your sabotage? That Spring Awakening thing was so your own fault!) Sure, 90210 lead Shenae Grimes might seem to be all smiles these days, but underneath that perma-grin is a world of teenage angst. Bashed by Us Weekly and Penn Badgley for being too thin, the actress has taken to her Myspace blog in an attempt to defend herself. Like a big, juicy meal that will remain uneaten, Grimes prefers not to be picked at, ultimately concluding, "I'm sorry if you dont like it, but this is who I am":

Hey guys! I didnt think my next blog would be so soon, but I guess it is! But what im here to blog about is my recent cover of the tabliods and my highly criticized smoking habit.

Now, as you all know now probably, I graced my first major magazine cover, only to be called "too skinny" alongside my co-star Jessica Stroup. I would like to say once again that neither me or Jessica have issues with our weight or bodies. I happened to be very small built, and ive always been skinny. So I personally think that people need to stop criticizing everyone in the media these days about their issues. Im sure you wouldnt like it if someone pointed out all of your flaws and all of your mistakes... but thats what the media does to us. Anyways, im ranting.. so onto my next issue. Tmz has criticized my smoking habit. I cant say that im proud of it, but there are so many people struggling with the addiction nowadays. I started smoking at about 16, and 1 in 5 teenagers smoke. Im not going to really go into the issue, but my hope is that you will all just stop hating and get on with it. I smoke. My choice. Im sorry if you dont like it, but this is who I am. If you actually would like to read the article, its posted on the TMZ website (I will post a link at the bottom.). Ive read some of the comments, they arrent the most supportive, but im doing the best to ignore them and just move on.

Duly noted, Shenae — though we can't help but feel that your blog would have gone down better with some of Silver's finger puppets and production values. Also, no rebuttal to the gossip about your hot-tempered Canadian attitude? You may be a Degrassi alum, but we'll need some more candor before we can say that this blog really "goes there." [Photo Credit: AP]