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Hearty congratulations to S.I. Newhouse and the rest of the Newhouse family: Samuel I. Newhouse IV, the grandson of Condé Nast's mercurial chairman, got hitched this past weekend! You may remember the young heir from Jamie Johnson's 2003 film Born Rich, which featured an interview with the youthful Newhouse in his college dorm room. (See photo, left.) Much has changed since then, as you can probably tell from the before-and-after photos.

Newhouse has since graduated from college—he attended Haverford—and is now gainfully employed. He's the "marketing manager for the digital business group at Condé Nast," a job we're guessing he will keep no matter how deep the cuts are at the magazine publishing giant.

And now he's now a married man! Last weekend, Newhouse tied the knot with Sheila Bhashyam, an NYU grad five years his senior who earned a master's degree from NYU in global affairs this past January. Presumably she's yet to secure a full-time job given the wedding announcement doesn't mention one. But that should change soon enough now that she's a member of the Newhouse family, right?

More disturbing—and possibly the clearest sign yet that the family that rules over the Condé Nast empire has seen better days—is that the couple registered at Macy's. Of course, if you've yet to pick up the couple a gift, that also means you won't break the bank congratulating the Newhouses on this momentous occasion. In fact, the $24.99 red tea kettle that has yet to be spoken for looks totally lovely.

Sheila Bhashyam, S. I. Newhouse IV [NY Times]