Identity Thieves Get the Gift of a Lifetime

Does the name "Frenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman & Gordon" mean anything to you? No? Excellent. Feel free to move along. But if the name rings a bell because it happens to be the name of a law firm you've worked with the past, you may want to call another law firm right now since you're probably going to need a new lawyer to sue your old lawyer. It seems Frenkel Lambert filled up 61 dumpsters worth of client files—including medical records, social security numbers, addresses and the like—and dumped it on the street. Identity thieves were naturally quite pleased to see the sensitive info materialize downtown; when a Daily News reporter arrived on the scene yesterday, "several passersby were digging through the mountain of paper." Frenkel Lambert says it is now investigating the incident. In the meantime, we'll just have to there's a connection between this mishap and the "Code Shred" truck that was spotted around the corner early this morning. [NYDN, Dealbreaker]