Do you ever get the feeling that you're only just now starting to be an "adult" with their "shit together"? It's only very recently that I no longer have to think, "Gotta wait til next Wednesday to buy new shampoo" and stopped drinking abandoned beers at bars. Then, someone your own age who didn't spend a few years fucking off mentions their intern. Wait, you have an intern? Yeah, it's like a doorman for your job. Like Mandy Stadtmiller needs one—she's the Post columnist whose tales of dating woe (and an insufferable lug nicknamed Super Preppy) made us LOL at (and not with) her all last year. Haha, she's getting her intern via Craigslist, though, so cancel that order of Oh-God-what-am-I-doing-with-my-life. (You can't get your casual encounters and your casually-paid career-helpers from the same place.)It's an unpaid internship, by the way. So when she tells you "I won New York's Funniest Reporter in 2006 and last year placed in the semi-finals for New York's Funniest Stand-Up"—she means it.

Via the Apiary and Craigslist.