· Excuse the brief Defamer PSA, but please do your part on behalf the local medical professionals being cruelly stiffed by Medicaid — especially Dr. Richard Frankenstein, who's featured in today's accompanying news video. He hasn't paid his nurse Igor in months. [KABC] · At least until Diablo Cody pawns her Oscar, Letters to E.T. is hands-down the standout thrift-store find of 2008. [The Plog] · And until we can get our fall fashion guide in order, we'll pass you off to LA style authority "VideoJew" for the season's essential couture tips. Take it away, Jay! [Jewish Journal] · Looking for alternate view on yesterday's Watchmen preview you read about here earlier? No? Oh. Well, just in case. [Thompson on Hollywood] · We could take or leave Steven Soderbergh's four-hour Che after seeing it this week, but don't accept our word for it: AFI Fest will host its West Coast premiere at Grauman's Chinese. Tickets go on sale Oct. 10. [AFI Fest] · Anyway, what are you still doing here? It's Palin time! [Vice-Presidential Debate]