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It's commencement season, which means a long list of celebrities and TV personalities will be heading to college campuses over the next few weeks to impart their wisdom on the future of America. But sharing useful advice with graduating seniors currently in a state of panic over the the bleak job market isn't easy when you're a celebrity earning millions a year, a fact made clear when Oprah appeared at Duke last weekend and told the crowd how happy she is now that she owns a private jet. Fortunately, other TV personalities have more appropriate speeches in store.

Tim Gunn, for example, says he's been giving the economy a good deal of thought as he prepares to deliver the commencement speech at Washington's Corcoran College of Art and Design next Saturday:

Unless you have an optimistic attitude about what lies ahead, it could completely derail you... But I think that anyone who thinks creatively and has a strong background has opportunities. The world will welcome you if you can bring creative and strategic thinking—if you, as I've said before, can make it work.

If Tim Gunn instructing these kids to "make it work" doesn't somehow motivate them, it's probably safe to say there isn't much hope for the rest of America's graduating class.

Celebrity commencement speakers face their toughest audience [NYDN]