Jackson West's greatest Valleywag hits

Though he only joined Valleywag in March, Jackson West made a lasting impression with his sharp wit, good humor, and wicked visual imagination. As fluent in Photoshop as he is in Foucault, our token communard laced his posts with insights into the inner workings of the Web. Listed below are my favorite pieces by Jackson. Leave your own in the comments — and keep following him at jacksonwest.com.
- An expert in online video from his film-school days and his stint at NewTeeVee, Jackson was not afraid to be servicey when the Olympics rolled around:
The definitive guide to watching the Olympics online - Jackson was one of the first to publish the news that sex blogger Violet Blue had been unpublished:
Blogger completely deleted from Boing Boing archives - Apple cofounder, cable-TV star? Jackson knew pageview gold when he saw it:
Steve Wozniak and Kathy Griffin all broken up - The surreal estate of the Valley's rich and famous was a constant obsession:
Larry Page's $7 million manse - Who needs venture capital when you've got a trust fund?
How daddy's money paid for Andrew Baron's Rocketboom - Jackson and I loved to disagree about San Francisco's gay-marriage- and hair-gel-loving mayor:
The east coast's love affair with Gavin Newsom - Google executive Marissa Mayer was this site's first obession, but Jackson's fashion sense took his critiques to a new level:
Marissa Mayer and friends on display at department store - Who can forget the time Jackson got TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington a milkshake? Readers drank it up:
Michael Arrington drinks Valleywag's milkshake